3 Benefits of the New Canopy Module

Recently Canopy Drupal Alfresco Integration module has been officially released. Canopy Drupal Alfresco represents an integrated solution which provides seamless communication of Drupal and Alfresco CMSs. Contents are synced in such a way that Alfresco will update whenever Drupal content is updated. And as soon as new content appears on Drupal, it is respectively created on Alfresco as well. To the benefit of content managers and site administrators, Alfresco virtually becomes an overall centralized content repository, while Drupal serves as the content creation and display entry point since Drupal owns a more user-friendly UI for content creation than Alfresco. One of Canopy’s best features is its ability to connect many Drupal sites of different physical locations in one Alfresco server. For syncing content to Alfresco from Drupal, Drupal’s underlying data structure must be converted into Alfresco. On this account, Canopy allows Drupal and Alfresco content-type mapping suggesting a non-standard type of content (e.g. additional text fields, checkboxes or radio buttons) that can be utilized on Alfresco. It makes it possible to map any number of text, text area, checkboxes, select list, date fields, radio buttons and other standard CCK fields into Alfresco with the help of Canopy’s administrative interface which eases the process of mapping. Another Canopy’s marvel the ability to sync content types between Alfresco and Drupal back and forth. Thus, a created type of content in Drupal can be synced into Alfresco, then deleted in Drupal and get restored from Alfresco. Thus, having at least two Drupal instances connected with Alfresco each of which has its own content types set, it’s possible to sync the types of content across them all. This solution consists of several standalone modules that can be applied to any existing or new Drupal instance. Canopy Alfresco is now compatible with the community and enterprise of Alfresco 3 and 4. The current Canopy Drupal version is available only for Drupal 6. However, sometimes the existing modules are not enough for the required website functionality, this is when you can use Drupal module development services.