How to remove unwanted tabs from pages in Drupal 4.7.x, 5.x, 6.x

How To Delete Tabs in Drupal 4.7.x and Drupal 5

Drupal core together with different modules adds tabs to pages that are not required for common users, or not needed at all. It’s possible to link to the page in another way, as some customers don’t appreciate that they can click on the tab over a node. Here is shown the approach for Drupal 4.7.x and Drupal 5:

In releases of Drupal preceding to 6, there was no way to modify the hook_menu() generated tabs from code, so the technique outlined on this page will find and strip out a tab placed on its title. In Drupal 6 release, there is now the hook_menu_alter() function included, which allows to modify various characteristics of menu items that are installed by core or other modules. Using Drupal 6 one should consider using hook_menu_alter instead, which is more precise, and is easier/more effective. There is something that hook_menu_alter isn’t able to do while this page’s technique can is delete the “View” tab (for any reasons to delete the View tab, apply the described technique, and use hook