3 Tiny Drupal Modules That Improve Your Site Greatly

Tweet What makes a good site great is the care put in its details. A great site combines the elements users never consciously notice in such a way that they affect users on a much deeper level and convey stability, credibility and competence. The following three Drupal modules make a difference exactly in the way customers interact with your site. Custom Breadcrumbs This module gives the flexibility of building breadcrumbs with a specific hierarchy which is based on any node parameter like node type (through PHP). Thus you can align the breadcrumbs with your node paths established with Pathauto. Breadcrumbs baked in Drupal core prove to be one of the details which are more important than at first glance since the more consistently your menus, breadcrumbs, page titles and paths align, the clearer users see how everything on your site fits together. Custom Contextual Links The little Contextual Links gears expanding with contextually aware links provide your site managers with a quick way to know whether and how to interact with a site section. What’s even greater, Custom Contextual Links allows you to add your custom items in the menus. If you want to create a new link, specify the Title, the URL and the context the link is to appear within. A pleasant thing is you may choose to place your custom link on all nodes of some content type, a specific node, a block, one view display, or a view display group. The module covers an impressive range of contexts. Search Configuration All sites have a content type which shouldn’t be searchable such as homepage rotators, for instance. Drupal 7 offers no other search customization than settings like users, nodes and content ranking. However, the module Search Configuration gives you two things: Page ‘permissions’ now provides options to toggle your permissions for search each type of content per role. This lets you solve problems of visitors able to search your rotator content as you can now allow that for administrators while limit visitors’ search range to your blog content types. A new Additional Node Search Configuration field set appears on page ‘search settings’ which gives you some new settings to control the rendering of the advanced search form and enables you to override field labels in search forms. Details Matter They say details make the design. The three modules featured here are about the details many sites leave out for the sake of some bigger features. However, we believe the fine tuning of the visitor interaction on your site is no way a waste of your time.